Uniform blog/How UTI boosted time to market and security with Uniform
How UTI boosted time to market and security with Uniform
How UTI boosted time to market and security with Uniform
Why is speed of market critical for digital teams today, and how can brands empower marketers with the tools they need to deliver fast, personalized experiences?
Uniform’s Peter Fogelsanger, head of presale and strategic enablement, joined industry experts Andrew Presnell, CRO manager at Universal Technical Institute (UTI); and Roger Willis, division web dev manager and senior solutions architect, marketing, at UTI, to answer this question and others during the webinar, “Web Deployment Efficiency: Accelerating Time to Market and Enhancing Security.”
Hosted by Aaron Conant, cofounder and managing director at BWG Connect, the conversation explored how Uniform and have partnered to help UTI test, optimize, and customize digital experiences at speed while accelerating content creation and generating a high return on investment. Here are our top three takeaways from the discussion.
1. Speed to failure is just as important as speed to market
For UTI, rapid experimentation is intrinsically tied to a technology stack that allows for constant iteration and improvement without sacrificing speed. Working in a digital experience platform like Uniform gives business users the ability to create and test web pages without technical support or developer-preferred technologies, which can slow the test creation process.
“With all of these things working together, we want to fail fast. Having the A/B testing platform inside Uniform helps with that. The way the tech stack is architected makes the user experience lightning-fast,” stated Presnell.
Aside from better visibility into testing and faster deployment times, Presnell pointed out that easy access to testing in a single platform reduces costs and empowers business users. “Your ability to create tests from a broader selection of users is a business asset. On the other end of user experience, a lot of other A/B testing platforms need a script … all of that takes time, and the user feels that. And so, the speed portion for users on your website is critical.”
2. Unified access democratizes testing and personalization
One of the most powerful aspects of digital experience management is centralized access to any tool from any source. Fogelsanger remarked on UTI’s success in streamlining its digital experience stack, which has helped the organization eliminate complexity internally and avoid a disjointed digital experience externally.
Presnell expanded on the competitive advantage of a unified stack. “We've just completed our new website rebuild using Uniform. So our public-facing page, as well as all of our landing pages, now exist on the same platform. It doesn't require me as a developer to custom-code everything.
But inside of that, we now have personalization. Instead of creating 850 landing pages for each individual audience, I now have the ability to spin up different versions of a single page.”
He continued, “On top of that, we can A/B test inside of those personalizations all within Uniform. That makes it faster, and as business users start using it more, they can access that data at the same time.”
3. Future-proof your tech stack to maximize downstream effects
Since their migration to Uniform, the UTI team has seen big returns due to faster testing and increased conversions. “Previously we had 5600 bad URLs. Now we have zero. That's pretty huge,” said Willis. “The site is just super quick now.”
UTI also reported a conversion rate of eight percent, a huge improvement that translated into millions of dollars of earned revenue. By updating and simplifying their tech stack, the team significantly impacted revenue downstream and delivered real business value.
Conant added that tech stack rationalization continues to be a major initiative for many companies, who are fearful of missing out on the advantages of digital modernization. Capitalizing on this trend, UTI leveraged Uniform’s no-code integration capabilities to transition from a monolithic architecture to a more flexible, scalable, and secure system.
“Based on the way our previous website was built, we siloed ourselves,” said Presnell. “The nice thing about having it all in this breathable stack is that it has this basic language we’re all familiar with and we can share the workload in a more meaningful way.”
Improve your web performance and security with Uniform
Watch the full replay for more insights on how UTI used Uniform’s advanced personalization to enhance and streamline its digital experience.
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