Uniform blog/Introducing Dynamic Pages and Redirect Manager for Uniform Canvas
Darren Guarnaccia
Posted on Jun 28, 2023

3 min read

Introducing Dynamic Pages and Redirect Manager for Uniform Canvas

Composable architecture continues to gain traction as the ideal model for delivering digital experiences across any browser, device, or channel. For technical teams, headless technologies create the perfect playground for plugging and playing with the tools they love. On the other hand, such an API-centric approach strips business teams’ of autonomy and the ability to curate seamless, connected customer journeys.   
Uniform is excited to announce two new releases that restore marketing control and empower business teams to build customer experiences at scale: Dynamic Pages and Redirect Manager. Using our self-service visual workspace, marketers and merchandisers can leverage Dynamic Pages and Redirect Manager’s visual editing capabilities to launch winning campaigns without relying on IT. 
Below, we’ve highlighted the newest features, which are available to Uniform customers and partners. 

Uniform Dynamic Pages

As brands expand where and how they sell online, single-page editing tools pose big challenges for marketers and merchandisers who manage high-volume sites. Dynamic Pages solves this problem by enabling business users to adapt, test, and iterate across thousands of webpages, all while improving speed to market and offering greater control over product-based experiences.
  • Build visual experiences at scale. Using no-code visual templates in Uniform Canvas, business teams can quickly assemble compositions that seamlessly blend data from your content management system, commerce engine, and other sources. Whether you need to update 10 pages or 10,000, Dynamic Pages enable marketers and merchandisers to quickly change the display, placement, and branding of your content consistently and at scale.
  • Create custom pages with greater control. Marketers and merchandisers can now override standard layouts and build custom marquee pages with little effort, eliminating extensive coding. Easily connect images, product recommendations, and more from headless and legacy platforms, or run A/B tests to drive interactions. With more control over presentation, marketers and merchandisers own the experiences they know best while engineers focus on features that add real business value. 

Uniform Redirect Manager 

Broken links not only disrupt your overall customer experience; they can negatively impact your site’s traffic and SEO. Uniform’s Redirect Manager provides a visual workspace where marketers and merchandisers manage URL redirects with ease and without IT support, improving online performance and reducing browser errors for launch-ready campaigns.   
  • Bring sanity to vanity URLs. Vanity URLs, often a key component of redirect management, strengthen your campaign’s branding and chances for success. With Redirect Manager, business teams no longer need to wait for engineering to resolve IT requests. Now, visual redirect management in Uniform Canvas enables marketers and merchandisers to easily generate and publish keyword-rich links within seconds. 
  • Execute fast redirects at the edge. Key performance indicators depend on your digital teams’ ability to pivot at a moment’s notice. Uniform runs redirects on the Content Delivery Network (CDN) of your choice. Plus, our platform’s SDK and new routing APIs activate redirects for a lightning-fast user experience.
  • Maintain URL structure and stability. With Redirect Manager, SEO placement and access to your pages remain intact when you replatform or change your information architecture. Business teams retain link equity for your site’s SEO and ensure a smooth customer experience, regardless of updates happening in the back end.
  • Improve visibility and accuracy. Redirect Manager’s dashboard gives marketers and merchandisers a complete view of redirects. By validating each redirect, users minimize errors and avoid duplication issues across pages. Moreover, your teams’ redirects are portable across CDNs. So if you need to redirect, you don’t need to rewrite a single one. 

A visual workspace that removes silos and scales with your enterprise

Dynamic Pages and Redirect Manager bring Uniform Digital Experience Composition Platform (DXCP) full circle, bridging the experience gap for marketers and merchandisers by arming them with the tools to meet ever-changing consumer demands. Request a free demo and discover how Uniform DXCP’s visual editing capabilities can elevate your technology stack and take your composable commerce strategy to the next level.